Suriname Time is the abbreviation of Suriname Time. Time zone offset of SRT is UTCUTC-03:00. Suriname Time is same as the UTC (SRT) universal time. SRT current date is 6th Saturday July 2024. Current time in SRT (SRT).
SRT is the common abbreviation for Suriname Time. It shows the mean solar time at the Greenwich Meridian, which passes through Greenwich Royal Observatory. Time zone offset of SRT is UTC-03:00. Suriname Time used to be the most popular time reference used widely before UTC. SRT time is used in such cities as London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Lisbon, Nouakott (Mauritania), El AaiĂșn (Western Sahara).
What time is it in Suriname Time now? It is 04:53:12 right now.
Date Time Format | SRT Date Time Now |
UTC | 2025-02-08T12:00:02Z |
ISO-8601 | 2025-02-08T12:00:02-0300 |
RFC 2822 | Sat, 08 Feb 2025 12:00:02 -0300 |
RFC 850 | Saturday, 08-Feb-25 12:00:02 GMT-0300 |
RFC 1036 | Sat, 08 Feb 25 12:00:02 -0300 |
RFC 1123 | Sat, 08 Feb 2025 12:00:02 -0300 |
RFC 822 | Sat, 08 Feb 25 12:00:02 -0300 |
RFC 3339 | 2025-02-08T12:00:02-03:00 |
ATOM | 2025-02-08T12:00:02-03:00 |
COOKIE | Saturday, 08-Feb-2025 12:00:02 GMT-0300 |
RSS | Sat, 08 Feb 2025 12:00:02 -0300 |
W3C | 2025-02-08T12:00:02-03:00 |
Unix Epoch | 1739026802 |
YYYY-DD-MM HH:MM:SS | 2025-08-02 12:00:02 |
YYYY-DD-MM HH:MM:SS am/pm | 2025-08-02 12:00:02 PM |
DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS | 08-02-2025 12:00:02 |
MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS | 02-08-2025 12:00:02 |
UTC to SRT in 12-hour (AM/PM) time format.
UTC Time | SRT Time |
12:00 AM | 9:00 PM |
1:00 AM | 10:00 PM |
2:00 AM | 11:00 PM |
3:00 AM | 12:00 AM |
4:00 AM | 1:00 AM |
5:00 AM | 2:00 AM |
6:00 AM | 3:00 AM |
7:00 AM | 4:00 AM |
8:00 AM | 5:00 AM |
9:00 AM | 6:00 AM |
10:00 AM | 7:00 AM |
11:00 AM | 8:00 AM |
12:00 PM | 9:00 AM |
1:00 PM | 10:00 AM |
2:00 PM | 11:00 AM |
3:00 PM | 12:00 PM |
4:00 PM | 1:00 PM |
5:00 PM | 2:00 PM |
6:00 PM | 3:00 PM |
7:00 PM | 4:00 PM |
8:00 PM | 5:00 PM |
9:00 PM | 6:00 PM |
10:00 PM | 7:00 PM |
11:00 PM | 8:00 PM |
UTC to SRT in 24-hour time format.
UTC Time | SRT Time |
00:00 | 21:00 |
01:00 | 22:00 |
02:00 | 23:00 |
03:00 | 00:00 |
04:00 | 01:00 |
05:00 | 02:00 |
06:00 | 03:00 |
07:00 | 04:00 |
08:00 | 05:00 |
09:00 | 06:00 |
10:00 | 07:00 |
11:00 | 08:00 |
12:00 | 09:00 |
13:00 | 10:00 |
14:00 | 11:00 |
15:00 | 12:00 |
16:00 | 13:00 |
17:00 | 14:00 |
18:00 | 15:00 |
19:00 | 16:00 |
20:00 | 17:00 |
21:00 | 18:00 |
22:00 | 19:00 |
23:00 | 20:00 |
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